Posts filed under ‘Uncategorized’

Moving On…

This blog has served me well. Very well. It’s hard to migrate on. I’m still totally attached.

But, there’s more I’m blogging about than life after colon cancer. Or at least I plan to. There’s more to my world than Semicolon Stories. I’m forever grateful for what doors this blog opened up though. I stand in awe of it actually.

Although technically, every day is life after colon cancer for me, my new blog is in a new format that covers other things that impact life for me these days. Like family. Faith. Parenting. And the wisdom and lessons God give me. That’s why I went with my name, come follow along if you’d like to keep seeing the world through my eyes.

I’d love it if you’d check it out & subscribe. It’s still me – just a new home and new format.

Visit the new blog:  Danielle Ripley-Burgess.

Enjoy. 🙂

September 10, 2015 at 6:55 pm 1 comment

A New Normal

Thanks to everyone for your kind words and thoughts for our family. Losing our dog a week ago has been one of the toughest things we’ve been through, but having so much support and empathy helps soften the blow.

We’ve been asked how Mae & Joey are doing a lot, so I thought I’d post some fun pics of how those two are getting by. I think it’s a good thing Mae is two because she somewhat understands that “Ninney went bye-bye” but doesn’t really comprehend everything. And Joey, well, she’s still getting used to a new normal but I can say she is becoming one spoiled dog. And you know, that’s OK with me.


Joey is doing a good job of keeping me company in my office these days.

“Don’t touch” is probably spoken more than “Merry Christmas” right now.

A trip up to Lincoln, NE to see our cousins was good for the soul. Mae & Kylie played … and bathed.









Joey’s become our ride-along buddy. Yes, we take her everywhere we possibly can

Ahh, home. Something about a cold night and a cozy fire brings peace and comfort.

December 13, 2012 at 8:32 am 1 comment

Home Sweet Home

Ahh it’s very very nice to type this with my feet reclined in my red chair-and-a-half recliner.

Thanks to all for the prayers an well wishes this week. They were definitely heard and felt! And thanks to Mike for guest blogging for me to keep you all up-to-date with the surgery. Luckily all went well and we had good news to report!

Many things to be thankful for after this week:

  • Surgery went very well, no complications
  • Little to no issues with scar tissue and adhesions!
  • NO NODES even needed taken (in the cancer world, this is VERY GOOD.)
  • My incision is healing very well
  • Pain is under control thanks to fantastic prescription meds

So all is well. I’m not sure if this was in general an easier surgery, or if I’ve become used to having surgery, or a little bit of both. But, I’m very thankful to be typing this from home right now and praying that a few weeks of downtime go by quickly!

Thanks again!


March 2, 2012 at 5:53 pm 1 comment

Day 3

“Today is day 3,” Danielle mutters with a “everyone-should-know-that-it-is-the-worst” tone.

Fortunately she has been sleeping most of the afternoon.  (Now, if you have any deductive reasoning skills you know where I’m going…)

Last night was rough.  No food mixed with lots of pills, drugs, oxygen and a lack of IV for three hours lead to being up most of the night with a physically upset stomach. Anyone ever had surgery on their abdomen??? Your stomach and your abdomen are pretty much the same thing.  Upset stomach = Upset abdomen…that was just operated on and is trying to heal = no good.

Oh, and did I mention the mishap of trying to move the IV and the nurses not being able to find a vein?  This is what lead to going three hours without an IV.  A nurse tries to stick it.  Then a different nurse tries.  Then they call someone.  And that someone doesn’t show up for three hours.

That’s Day 3.

And that’s my rant. (Thank you for letting me get it off my chest).


March 1, 2012 at 4:47 pm 2 comments

Mike Here

Danielle is progressing well. Today she has already had clear liquids, put on real clothes and been down the hallway. Here are some pictures from the last 24 hours.





February 29, 2012 at 11:58 am 2 comments

In Recovery

She just got out. In recovery. Everything went as planned. No visible issues in removed organs. PTL.

February 28, 2012 at 3:07 pm 2 comments

Bucket Lists

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day, and bucket lists came up. As a cancer survivor, I have a handful of opinions when it comes to certain topics. And while I like to think I’m pretty easy-going, for some reason, these I have a very clear, passionate view on at least four things:  the need for colonoscopy,  cancer crawls, breast cancer awareness month and bucket lists.

I’m not Down on Bucket Lists

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not down on bucket lists. I actually think they’re great… for most people. Especially when the “Bucket List” movie came out and raised awareness about the whole idea. I think it’s great that people start thinking about what they’d like to do in life. Bucket lists stir passions in people. They motivate people to go get all that life has to offer, at least as much as they possibly can. So while I think bucket lists are great.. they’re just not for me.

Why I don’t have a Bucket List

I don’t have a bucket list. I think it’s mainly because the idea that life is short is all too real for me. Maybe it’s unhealthy and out of fear that I won’t create a bucket list. I mean, I don’t want to create a list that I have no way of achieving. I know that’s how it works for everyone (not everyone can always get to everything on their bucket list)… but that possibility is all too real for me. And although it’s a daily process for me to not live out of fear, I think there are some healthy reasons I don’t have a bucket list. I really do try to live each day realizing that it could be my last … or at least as best I can. I try to cram as much as I can into life just because I’m very aware that life is short. And while I don’t have a long list of big things I’d love to do before I die, I do try to take each opportunity that comes to me. I feel blessed that I’ve gotten to do, see and experience a ton of things already, and that as I continue to follow my heart and passions, that will only increase.

So Should you Have a Bucket List?

I’m not the one to say if you should have a bucket list or not. I think they’re great for so many people, even though I don’t have one. I’d say what is important more than a bucket list is an awareness that life is short. We were all put here for a reason and with a purpose, and so why not find that reason and what drives our passion. We’ll all have the opportunity to do things we dream of doing throughout life, so if it takes a bucket list to realize them – then go for it. Or, if you’re like me and refuse to make a list (but still have a few things you’d love to do in your life in the back of your mind) – do that too. Life is short, so let’s make it count.

May 27, 2011 at 3:31 pm Leave a comment

I’m a SAMFund Recipient

Last fall amidst the craziness of announcing we were adopting, and then the winter of our oh-so-fast adoption, I haven’t had a  chance to blog about the SAMFund yet.

The SAMFund

I don’t recall exactly how I learned about the SAMFund, but between my fellow cancer survivor friends and online media, I was made aware of this organization. Their mission is provide grants to young adult cancer survivors who’ve been impacted by cancer. It doesn’t matter what type of cancer you’ve had, the SAMFund can help. They provide grants to young adult cancer survivors to help with medical bills, gym memberships, school, family building and more. I had known about the SAMFund for awhile, and when we began our adoption process, I applied for a family building grant. Our process to adopt was directly impacted by my cancer, and so I felt like I had a shot.

Hearing from the SAMFund

God’s timing is always perfect, and how funny it is. I had completed all of our paperwork to begin our home study, including the worksheet with my credit card information. I folded it up and placed it in an envelope to mail later that day. No joke – before I could take the letter to the mailbox, I got a call from the SAMFund, notifying me that I had received a grant from their foundation. They wanted to award us a grant to pay for our home study.

Thankful for the SAMFund

Receiving a grant from the SAMFund wasn’t only so helpful for our adoption finances, but it meant so much to me personally. In a way, cancer gave back to me that day. It meant the world to be recognized by this organization as someone worthy of their grant funds. The road of cancer is long and hard, and so when its stopped in its tracks for a moment and you’re blessed by it, it’s a chilling yet very amazing experience.

I am so appreciative of the SAMFund. Not just for their financial aid, but for the emotional boost they gave me in the process. I’m excited for them and their new video they just launch to share their SAMFund story and mission with the world.

Check out the new SAMFund video, and spread their cause with me!

April 27, 2011 at 1:17 pm Leave a comment

Puck Dropper

While living the cancer survivor life has been no cake walk, I will say that it’s afforded me some of the coolest opportunities.

One of those opportunities came this past fall when I was asked to represent Midwest Gastroenterology and drop the ceremonial puck at the Missouri Mavericks game. With Mike & I being avid Mavericks fans and season ticket holders, this was a no-brainer. I think the best part was watching Mike’s face as he stood with me and watched all of the players skate onto the ice from the locker room.

Thanks, Dr. T for this priceless opportunity! Enjoy some pics…

Puck Dropper

Nice and close

We could even smell their sweat

And they could hear Mike yelling their names

These guys had a blast with the foam fingers

It's me with Dr. T on Halloween night at the Mavericks game!



December 3, 2010 at 8:30 pm Leave a comment

We’re On Our Way … It’s National Adoption Day

Well blog readers,

It’s time. I’ve been holding off with the news for a few months. I think we’ve needed time to soak it all in, to really let it sink in that our lives will dramatically be changing. But with a day such as today, National Adoption Day, we’ve decided to REALLY go public!

Yep, we’re adopting.

Our process is in full-force and we’ve begun heading down this strange road called parenthood. We’ve chosen to work with a large national agency that’s actually headquartered near us and pursue a domestic adoption. The kiddo will come from one of the 50 US states, and we’ll most likely bring home the baby from the hospital.

We’re pretty excited, and like I said, still getting used to the whole idea. We’ve enjoyed the lifestyle of young marrieds for so long, but knew that God was calling us to turn the page, and enter a new chapter. We’re also excited at the thought of integrating a new race into our family; as we’ve requested a transracial adoption.

So there it is! What a day to celebrate! While the blog will still say health and colon focused (don’t worry, poo stories are not going away), we’ll definitely keep you updated with our process!

November 20, 2010 at 9:00 am 5 comments

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